Saturday, January 16, 2016

Stayin In

Carnage carnage carnage!
I have one thread and it is local television
connecting past present and future
we all cried this week but I cry every week
I lost another goddamned hat -
I connect with past selves by a breadcrumb trail of
lost hats
I have two threads then, tv and hats, one the latter is personal
and one the former is communal, such carnage
this week and every week! I don't want to stay up
late anymore I'm tired of always feeling sick
and losing hats, crying next week and every week
having only two threads and essentially no hats
and certainly none of the sentimental hats
but that's my fault for having sentimental
hats in the first place.
Hats in the first place!

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing, and I completely feel a similar pain re: hats.
